CoinsBank BlockchainParty 2016

CoinsBank - the bank of Blockchain future brought together key industry representatives at resort in Turkey. Results

On 6-9 October very significant event took place - CoinsBank Blockchain Party was held for the first time; it brought together leading representatives of blockchain industry and cryptocurrency.

The event was held in a rather non-conventional and unusual format: instead of a conference room there was a veranda with green meadow on the banks of the river close to the sea with palm trees instead of walls, chairs were changed for comfy ottomans, lighting and air conditioning - for bright sun and sea breeze, cocktails and swimming in the pool replaced coffee break, suits and ties were changed for polo shirts and shorts, and Turkish hospitality, impeccable service and all-inclusive resort resulted not only in a comfortable place for business conference, but also in perfect leisure for event participants.

Despite the atmosphere of the holiday, all guests were ready for business issues and although the conference was held under the palm trees and in the sun, the conversation was serious; speakers presented many reports with unique information about blockchain, safety, innovation, mining, investments, and smart contracts, and on future industry trends in general.

The conference was held for 2 days – October 7 and 8:

The program started with report of Ronny Boesing, CoinsBank CEO – he spoke about trends in blockchain, and presented exclusive details on Coinsbank services updates.

Ronnie explained why CoinsBank is the bank of the future for blockchain:

"Watching and being directly involved in Blockchain industry development, CoinsBank steadily advances creating more secure systems for its customers. Having started with Bitcoin trading only, the platform has evolved into a bank with a full range of products and capabilities for its customers operating at Blockchain platform".

He also spoke about operation of debit cards that are for many years provided to CoinsBank customers: "Connecting millions of people around the world who use and trust Visa and MasterCard, CoinsBank meets the needs and desires of our customers offering 6 types of payment cards from the very beginning of Bank active operation. To ensure cardholder data security CoinsBank has PCI DSS security standard. Bitcoin cards can be used anywhere in the world where Visa or MasterCard are accepted".

CoinsBank has prepared a gift for every Blockchain Party guest, and solemnly presented embossed Named card at the Gala evening.

Attendees of CoinsBank Blockchain Party conference also enjoyed reports by experts of IBM (Simge Alpargun), Genesis Mining (Marco Streng), GEM Research (Jack Tatar), Blockchain Lab (Ismail Malik, Anish Mohammed), Gamecredits (Sergey Sholom, Nebojsa Maksimovic) , Qiwi (Denis Persanov), Nick Ayton and others.

Report of every speaker was followed by discussions and debates that continued at gala evening and parties.

The format of CoinsBank Blockchain Party was an experiment, and the experiment was a success!

It turned out to be the ideal format for high-quality networking and business conference! Flying off to different parts of the world, all guests were leaving the event not only with the business cards of people they have seen only a couple of minutes, but were leaving with live business contacts, memories, photographs and impressions.

Jack Tatar shared his emotions after the event: "It was incredible! The organization was at the highest level ever! Never before I had a chance to take part in such events and I hope that there will be more of them, as they bring real results …"
Marco Streng: "This is something new, unusual and very cool. CoinsBank provided us with opportunity not only to establish business contacts at the conference, but also gave a chance to relax and work having fun! Thanks!"

Given the success of this experimental format, CoinsBank team decided to immediately schedule the next event, and it is even more unusual.

CoinsBank Blockchain Cruise 2017 will be held on a cruise ship in the middle of 2017. More details will be available soon on Stay with us!


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